Power BI and BIM Data Integration

Power BI is one of the most popular business analytics service out there to leverage your data to create attractive dynamic presentations of stats to visualize the trends better than every before.

Building “Information” Models are not far away in terms of getting the insights of your built asset to make informed decisions and provide productive insights into them.

Power BI can be used to do a number of things to get a better view at your building model.

  • Create elaborate reports and dashboards
  • Interactable 2D and 3D models with Forge Integration
  • Can consume COBie data
  • APIs exposed for developers for embedding dashboards in other software products
  • Data Visualization back to Revit as Landing page or send over to web-page

In the gif below, we have got a floor plan of a sample Revit model to get the information of Rooms into Power BI.

Some Applications of BIM Data

  • Design Analysis – Options generation
  • Asset Analysis
  • Space Analysis
  • Model Health Check
  • Project Progress Tracking
  • Forge Integration
  • Software usage
  • PC Metrics
  • Software License Usage
  • Financial Performance
3D interactive Building Model (Courtesy: powerbiblogic)

COVID-19 Dashboard with Interactive graphs (Courtesy: DataClue)

3 Innovative AI Powered UI/UX Design Tools

It is well known fact that better design translates to better value. Here are some AI driven tools that may make your work easy.

1. Sketch2Code

Sketch2Code is an AI technology built by Microsoft AI Labs that can convert your handwritten sketch of a User Interface and convert it to HTML code.

This is like a translation tool for your design to make a working HTML snippets. Sketch2Code is part of Azure Cognitive Services where OCR is used to comprehend your handwritten text and the Computer Vision APIs are used for object detection.


Just grab your rough design on a paper or napkin and upload it on Sketch2Code. The project is yet in beta stage so it may not produce best results and as with all Machine Learning tools it requires enough inputs to achieve greater accuracy in its pattern predictability.

2. Attention Insight

Attention Insight is an AI driven analytics tool to check your designs before launching them to make better judgements based upon the heatmaps generated with predictive eye-tracking technology.

It helps you to implement A/B testing (split testing) with two or more options where you can visually see how smartly each part of the design captures the customer’s attention and identifies the areas of interests i.e. logo, graphics, layout, text etc.

Posters with attention hotspots

3. Khroma

Khroma uses AI to make a truly never-ending combination of appealing color palettes based on your initial set of color selection. Just choose 50 of the shades that you find attractive and let it do the rest of the calculation to produce a limitless amount of color palettes, types, posters, gradients, and images. Use them in your next product — website, video, poster, or application.